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发布时间:2021-6-16 10:26:40



GE210-A High Precis ion Servo Copy And High Speed Warping Machine

GE210-A型整经机采用电脑变频伺服控制技术,变频器、伺服器驱动器、PLC实行通信总线控制,具有国内独创,达到国际先进水 平,填补国内空白。适用于锦、涤长丝、低弹丝、粘胶丝、睛纶纱等短纤纱。

GE210-A warping mach i ne, unique creat ion of china, adopts computer frequency conversation control led technology, frequency, servo dr i ven unit and PLC to reaI communicat ion control. It reaches the internet ionaI Ieading level and filing domest ic vacancy. It is

suitable for warp i ng cotton yarn , polyamide and polyester f iI ament , low elastic polyester fiber, vi scose, and short—fiber yarn

such as brocade yarn.


Main Techno Iongy Parameter

1、 盘头规格:21"XO21”(英寸)、21" X 0)30(英寸)

2、 整经线速度:50-1000/分;

3、 主电机功率:7. 5千瓦(变频电机);

4、 平衡罗拉电机功率:3. 7千瓦(伺服电机);

5、 贮纱控制、盘头升降、盘头夹紧、脱离方式均为气动;

6、 盘头类型' 清洁/运行、制动力矩等自动识别;

7、 最大计数范围:100000米(圈)。

8、 母盘头数据2组。

9、 拷贝精度(>3000圈以上时)卷数相同,同组盘头周长误差W

0. 25%O

1. Beam size:21 "X(P21 "(inch), 21" X(D30" (inch).

2. Warping I inear speed:50_1000m/min;

3. Ma i n motor power: 7. 5KW frequency motor.

4. LeveI ing roller motor: 3. 7KW servo motor.

5. Pneumat i caI Iy dr iven yarn storage, beam Ioad i ng and unIoad i ng, beam cI amp ing and d i sengaging way.

6. Auto-ident if i ed beam type, cIean/operat i on, brake moment etc.

7. Max count ing:100000m (ci rcles).

8. The f i rst beam data: 2 groups.

9. Copy precision (>3000 circles): same rolIs, the deviation of same group beams c i rcumference W0. 25%.

Main Features

机型新颖、操作方便、智能识别' 各种数据自动保存、电子齿轮, 自动控制检测机构、失电保护系统。人字竿和测速罗拉整体游动,人字 若针作上下往复运动,延长分纱针的使用寿命。

New type, simple operation, i nteI Ii gent i dent if i cat i on, auto- reservation of data, eIectronic gear, auto-control led inspecting mach i ne and power cutt i ng protection system, a I so with the extension reed and measur ing roller i s overaI I moving, the guide reed is moving up and down to extend its' use I ife.