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发布时间:2021-6-4 0:00:00


GE212-A Warp i ng Mach i ne




ng mach i ne is developed by both CHANGZHOU FANGLI AN TEXT ILE MACH INERY and DELTA. It adopts person-mach i ne i nterface,

bus I i ne commun i cat i on control with I iable performance. After-sale service of these parts wi I I be suppl ied a I I around theworId by DELTA Company.


Main Techno Iongy Parameter

1、 适用盘头:

A、 540X0 762 (毫米)/21"X O30H(英寸)

B、 540X0535 (毫米)/21"X 021"(英寸)。

2、 整经线速度:100-1000/分钟。

3、 主电机功率:7. 5千瓦。

4、 外形尺寸(长X宽X高)全机:38000X3560X2300(毫米)。

5、 筒子架型式及容量:600锭(可根据用户需要定做)

6、 张力器型式:YZZ液态阻尼自动补偿张力;调节范围5-24,


7、 贮纱装置贮纱量:W11米

1. Beam s i ze: A. 540 X 0 762 (mm) /21" X(D 30" (i nch)

B. 540X 0535(mm)/21" X 021" (inch).

2. Warp i ng I iner speed:100-1000m/min ;

3. Ma i n motor power: 7. 5KW.

4. Di mens i on of (L*W*H) Cree I Size overa I I:38000 X 3560 X 2300(mm).

5. Warp creeI type and capacity: 600 cones, (or upon customer1 2 3 4 5 6s opt i ons).

6. Damp i ng tens i on: YZZ damp i ng tens i on wh i ch can be adjusted on the range of 5-24, 20-1OOCN.

7. Yarn storage: W11 米


Main Features

 . Main shaft is with brake pneumaticaIly by adjustabIe brake torque.

2. Beam Iift ing device adopts ai r-pressured parts with low noise

I iable and steady performance.

3. New i interface, displaying data, cond it ion, error message, simple operation.

4. Persona I i zed design i nteI IectuaI i dent i f i cat i on of beam size, clearance operation, and automatic stopping device.

5. The mach i ne i s figured with oiling dev i ce, yarn storage dev i ce.

fIuffdetector, tens i on rolI er and broken yarn stopp i ng device.

6. The type and specification of the creeI is according to customer requ i rement.

1、 主轴采用气动式制动器、制动力矩可调节。

2、 盘头装卸机构采用气动元件,噪音低、性能稳定。

3、 人机界面,显示工作数据' 状态、故障信息,操作简单方便。

4、 人性化设计,盘头类型、清洁运行、刹车自动设别恢复等智能识别。

5、 配置加油装置、贮纱装置、毛丝检测装置'张力罗拉装置、断纱自 停装置等。

6 纱架型式、规格按用户要求选配。