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发布时间:2021-6-4 0:00:00


GE118-A Micor-Computer Real Time Monitoring Copy And High-Speed Warping Machine


GE118-A型实时监控烤贝高速整经机为新开发的高性能整经设备。本机没置了高品质的闭环张力控制系统P1D),保证纱片总张力 的恒定和精确。本机的微电脑控制系统能在整经过程中连续监测益以直径并安时进行张力控制,保正成组盘头的直径(外周长) 及米长一致。

GE118-A Warp i ng mach i ne i s a new developed mach i ne with good funct i on. The warper has a closed ci rcuit tens i on (PID)to sure of the eternally fixed and accurate of the yarn. The micro-computer real-time monitoring system can detect beam's diameters in succession and regulate the tension at a I I t ime to make sure that d iameters of a set of beams are equal.

Main Techno Iongy Parameter

1. Warp Ii ne speed:100_1000m/mi n

2. Warp beam size:21 "x 021" (inch ), 21" X O30n (inch).

3. Control way: computer real-time control led and monitor.

4. Tens i on roI I er: real-time PID adjusts yarn tension i n cIosed loop control.

5. Bean up and down, cI amp i ng and brake: pneumat i caI Iy operated.

6. Main motor: 7. 5KW AC-frequency control led with constant I inear speed and closed ci rcuit.

7. Brake torque:1600NM.

8. Ai r connect ion: 6 bar.

9. Copy precision: the outer per imeter are the same when the circles are the same, the meter mistake Iesser than 5m.

10. Maximum count ing range:99999 meters (circle).


Main Features

1、 根据母盘头的样本,拷贝成组参数相同的盘头。

2、 电脑实时检测盘头的直径、米长和圈数,保证成组盘头直径(外周 长)及米长一致。

3、 张力罗拉实施PID闭环调节张力,保证纱线张力平稳。

4、 计算精度高,具有超强报警功能。

5、 联机修正整经参数,母盘头可以修正整经长度,子盘头可以修整外 周长和米长。

6、 盘头装卸由气动制动器,罗拉制动米用电动制动器。

7 主轴制定采用气动制动器,罗拉制动采用电动制动器。

8、 操作灵活方便,可以进行模拟盘头配制。

1. According to mother beam, copy sets of same beams.

2. The micro-computer real-time monitor ing system can detect beam's diameters i n succession and regulate the tension at a I I time to make sure that diameters, out per imeter and Iength of a set of beams are equaI.

3. Tension rolI er adjusts yarn tens i on by PID, and then makes yarn tension stably.

4. The mach i ne can give an a I arm when it i s in errors and caIcuI at i on precision is high.

5. Revising warping parameter on Iine. Mother beam can revise warping Iength and sub-beam can revise outer per imeter and Iength.

6. The beam's load and unIoad is dr i ven pneumat icaI Iy, up and down straight line so it runs stead ily and or i entates accurately.

7. Main shaft brakes pneumatically. RolI er adopts electr ic break.

8. Operation i s easy and can s i mu I ate the beams group.